The dressing room – this is the first room you will enter from the courtyard. Atmosphere photo gallery ahead – Skip to next content Among his accomplishments is the aqueduct which led the springs water to the city, the breakwater for safe docking at the port and major buildings such as the Khan el-Umdan, Akko’s largest mosque, his luxurious palace and of course, the Turkish bath. During his reign, el-Jazzar strove to further the city in many and varied ways. At first it was called “Hammam al-Jadid” (the new Hammam), but its name was subsequently changed to Hammam al-Basha (the Pasha’s hammam), in honor of el-Jazzar. The Turkish bath’s construction was part of the transformation of Akko during the Ottoman Period from a small fishing village (primarily at the hands of al-Jazzar Pasha) into a teeming port city and a major construction and trade center. The Turkish Bath House, “Hammam el-Basha” was built at the end of the 18th century by Governor of Akko, Jazzar Pasha. It is a Turkish Bath House that was built by Jazzar Pasha the famous ruler of Akko. It was the social center of the city, a place to hear the news, to make business. All the gossip of the city started here! This Hammam is preserved from the 18th century. Learn how the Ottomans people used to pamper themselves.